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Piippo is listed in the First North Nasdaq

We are one of the world’s leading manufacturers of baling net wrap and baling twine. We have achieved this position with innovative solutions and integrity. These are the things we will continue to hold on to, even though our company is in a transition phase.

The transition involves our products. Instead of a wide range of products, we will focus on agriculture: baling net wrap and baling twine. We are pursuing growth that surpasses that of the markets, which is also why we have been looking into possible corporate acquisitions and investments which increase our production capacity.

According to our estimate, the size of the global market for baling net wrap and baling twine is approximately EUR 470 million when measured in net sales, of which our own currently account for roughly EUR 17.3 million. We are among the 10 biggest producers in the agri business, and in five years’ time, we intend to be among the three biggest.

Our global distribution channels already cover more than 40 countries. The vast majority of our exports end up in the world’s most important agriculture countries, such as Germany, Poland, Australia and the United States.

Future growth areas are located in, among other places, South America and Asia, which we are already considering. We are making investments whose results will become apparent in the long run. We invest in the future by increasing the capacity.

Although competing feed harvesting and storage methods have entered the market, baling will retain its position globally due to its easiness, sustainability and the end-user’s minor need for investments and advantages in logistics. Our competitive edge is based on decades-long closely networked cooperation in the global market, a sustainable business model and a strong knowledge of the markets. We are not doing this as one farmer to another but rather in our capacity as a responsible method and technology expert. We are tightening our focus so that we can take care of our share even better than before, grow as a company and help farmers succeed.